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3 Tools to Model AI in the Classroom Now

Updated: Jun 10, 2024

AI is changing lives and changing the modern workforce, and many of our students are unprepared. According to a recent study, 74% of data analysts, engineers and data scientists feel that AI and machine learning will be a “game changer” in the workforce, but the lack of talent, especially among educators qualified to teach in this area, remains a problem. While not every K-12 educator needs to become an expert in AI, it is a topic that engages students in authentic problem solving, is part of all of our daily lives and will continue to inform future jobs and opportunities, so integrating it into your curriculum would give your students exposure to this world-changing technology and how it can be used for social good to solve some of our world's greatest problems. Here are three tools that you can use at any level to introduce AI along with some simple ways to use them in the classroom, though we’re certain you’ll have plenty of ideas once you check these tools out!

01. Quick, Draw!

Quick, Draw! Is a drawing game developed by some folks at Google to allow them to help developers train new neural networks. The concept is easy--you draw a simple image and the neural network uses big data that it has gathered from millions of other drawings to guess what you're drawing. The idea is that the machine is learning new patterns and similarities in drawings as it gathers more data.

How to use Quick, Draw! in the Classroom

Elementary: Have students pick one of their drawings and look at other users' examples of that same item. Have them compare/contrast images and find similar drawings.

Middle: Have students screenshot one of their drawings and write a short story about the image, using details from the drawing.

Secondary: Have students look at a complete data set of a drawing and create an analysis around how the neural network can recognize different styles of drawings as the same item. Use question prompts such as: Are there common features in most of the drawings? If so, what are they?

02. Akinator

Akinator is a game developed by French engineers that relies on an algorithm and machine learning. The game allows players to think of a character, real or fictional, and the Akinator asks yes/no questions until it is ready to guess the character.

How to use Akinator in the Classroom

Elementary: Pick a character from a story you are reading in the classroom and see if the Akinator guesses it correctly. Have students work together to respond to the questions. Host a classroom discussion with these prompts and more: Did the Akinator ask any unusual questions? Why do you think he asked those questions? What was something he did not ask that you thought he would? Were you surprised that he guessed your character?

Middle/Secondary: Model the Akinator game with a common character that your students know. After the initial experiment, ask students to pick a character from a story you are reading or have read, but not a main character. Have your students research as much as possible about that character and then they can ask the Akinator to guess their new character. Host a classroom discussion with these prompts and more: Was anyone able to stump the Akinator? Were you surprised that the Akinator guessed your character correctly? Which questions surprised you most? Which character will you try next to stump the Akinator?

03. Brainly

Brainly is the world's largest social learning network, allowing students to ask and answer questions from classrooms around the world. Machine learning filters spam and uses algorithms to make sure all students are getting high-quality, age-appropriate, relevant content only. According to their CEO, Michal Borkowski, "Brainly has helped millions of students around the world get unstuck on tough homework questions through its collaborative community of diverse individuals, removing traditional boundaries on access to knowledge. Already over 80% of users credit Brainly for expanding their knowledge base, heightening their curiosity, and inspiring them to embrace challenges."

How to use Brainly in the Classroom

Elementary: Have students develop questions about a current theme or topic. Encourage them to ask the questions they really want to learn about since they have to use their “points” to ask questions.

Middle: Have students complete Brainly challenges on topics related to current or previous units of study to earn additional points. Review their answers to check for understanding.

Secondary: Have students identify areas where they are experts and encourage them to answer questions from other students. Assign a number of questions to answer or an amount of points to earn.

Ready for more?

Join our free webinar series, available both live and on demand, to learn more about incorporating AI in the classroom. Attendees receive a toolkit of resources and plenty of additional examples that are transferable to any K-12 classroom. Learn more.

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