
MindSpark is grateful to work with trusted organizations around the globe and in our own backyard to unite communities and create a future filled with limitless opportunities.
We believe that true progress is achieved only through genuine partnerships.

Get Involved in Our Current Project
Engaging Native Youth in High Impact Green Careers
The state of education for Native students in our nation’s schools reveals deep inequities:
Native American students, on average, perform two grade levels below the national average in reading and mathematics due to historical disadvantages. (NSBA)
Native American students are 237% more likely to face challenges that prevent them from graduating compared to the national average. (NCSL)
Native Americans represent less than 1% of the STEM workforce. (NSF)
We’re inviting partners to join us in transforming these students’ futures. Your support will:
Support Native youth with critical skills for high-growth green careers.
Enhance educators’ abilities to deliver STEM and green job training.
Build community networks for lasting economic and environmental resilience.
Together, we can make a lasting impact.